H. L. Brown help clean up Sheffield’s waterways
With the help of the RSC’s Martin Lyon, who co-ordinated the project, ten members of our team, dressed in waterproof and protective clothing, took to the banks of the river on the Burton Weir section of Sheffield’s Five Weirs Walk. We cleared a large amount of litter and Himalayan Balsam, an invasive weed that typically grows on riverbanks and in ditches preventing the native species from flourishing.
Managing Director James Frampton said, “H. L. Brown is proud to play its part in this initiative assisted by the River Stewardship Company. There is a great opportunity to improve the lives of Sheffielders by making the riverside environment an attractive leisure resource.
Opening the riverside to walkers, cyclists and anglers is beneficial to our physical and mental health, and beneficial to the biodiversity of the city.”
The River Stewardship Company works with councils, contractors and communities to improve the UK’s waterways and enhance biodiversity and sustainability, the result of their work is good for the environment, people and businesses in the local areas.
H. L. Brown have once again enjoyed undertaking voluntary work with local organisations to make a positive social impact to the city.